Thursday, May 19, 2011


HOW TO BUILD A LASTING RELATIONSHIP. Money,power,post,good-looks,ability to give gifts to love ones,cheerfulness are all what can made a man attractive to a woman ,but ,I personally could not pick which of the six do makes a man attractive the more to a woman.But i believe humility,kindness,been responsible,respectfulness to one another,happiness,Vulnerability coupled with genuine love are what we need to watch when building a relationship.
A relationship build only on the rock of love and sex is bound to fail and finally hit a marital crash.Read more on my next piece on "love and sex"women love to be listened to,haired of and be responded to with gentleness and calmness.Building a relationship here not only involved been listened to alone but,actually hear what your loved is saying.You may even adopt the system of asking a related questions back to your love to let her know you are with her.
What of tenderness and gentleness?feel concerned ,get concerned,and be concerned always.A woman loves it when a man is tender and gentle.My genuine love of women has been my great asset to my happy relationship at home.Of course I love women but still overlooks some women natures,stubbornness and their desperation.Be honest,do not go after another woman if you don't want trouble but always doing the right thing by giving pleasure to your loved. Do not cultivate the habit of been too perfect.
Always be a responsible lot.Women loves at all times a responsible man that take charge of its responsibilities/have everything taken care off and get get them off of responsibilities.
Don't allow the woman to ask the relationship question of "Can I depend on this man to do what he says he is going to do?by this you are not building lasting relationship alone but also made her happy and willing to act as you wishes.
It is true that sex is the tonic that keeps relationships healthy,we must always remember that man and woman depends on each other in nature.Don't deceive yourself and do not be deceived also that a relationship keeps bounded together when each member perform its own role.Sex is a sweet experience that is symbiotic to a couple and a cemented block to a lasting relationship. HAVE FUN ONLINE AND MAKES MONEY ONLINE AS AFFILIATE.