Wednesday, March 7, 2012


HOW TO HAVE SEX WITH A WOMAN. The fact remain that women love sex more than honey.If you can study the situations and turned her on at that particular time with a great activity then you have known how to have sex with a woman.Happy occasions,Jealousy, nature and sexual mood are some of the situations that make women want sex.Buy her a gift and you'll know she loved,alas she will reciprocates your gesture by giving you what she thinks you enjoy most(sex).
To have sex with a woman,it is good that both of you are sexually excited.Not only during and after watching a sex film but real foreplay like kissing,cuddling,torching but not just mere touching each other,but torching the clitoris with turned her faster than you expected.try it and you will see that nobody will tell her before she would started rubbing your penis with tender torch.The important of foreplay is that it makes the man to have a heavy erection and made the women vagina wet and moist thus making penetration more accessible.Some women got dry vagina but with foreplay the problem is overcome.
Now that you have penetrated,you as a man must be very active at sex.Women love a very active man who can do it very well,jacking tenderly,touching inner angles with dwelling sideways and backwards and inwards.Kissing her while you are sexing her,rubbing the breast with tender playing on the breast nipples would create more arousal and make the love more enjoyable.
What about sexing styles?Women love a man who moves with sexual styles.Hit from the backs,jacking tenderly from the front, suspension,-sexing,holding and lifting styles are what you need to put to your sexing habit to make the sex more enjoyable to the woman.Be active and avoids quick ejaculation.Women love the most,men who can go mounds.
If you want to play safe ,you can use condom rubber. HOW TO HAVE FUN WITH YOUR PARTNER AND TURN YOUR AFFILIATE SIGN UP TO MONEY.. CLICK HERE Donate